Lightning-Fast Filmmaking: High-Quality Movies in Record Time

Hustle Up Productions revolutionizes the movie-making process with its innovative production method, compressing the typically time-consuming phases of drama, thriller, comedy, and in some cases even an action-adventure feature films into an astonishingly brief timeframe of one to five days, all without sacrificing an ounce of quality. Harnessing cutting-edge techniques and a seasoned team of industry professionals, Hustle Up Productions seamlessly blend efficiency with excellence, ensuring each project receives the meticulous attention to detail it deserves. With an unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier entertainment, Hustle Up Productions redefines the boundaries of possibility in the world of filmmaking.

Ready to make something cool together?

Reach us with your idea so we can help you get it into a feature film.


Jyrki Mäkelä

Serial Entrepreneur with wide entrepreneurial experience from 16 companies and four countries, people with all walks of life and cultures. Never give up guy.